Ecuador Rainforest

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My interest in Underwater Critter shooting led me to Ecuador to do night shooting in the rainforests. The Rainforest critters have their own beauty!

Its difficult to describe the profusion of life, particularly amphibian, reptile, and insect life which abounds there.

We took this trip with Dr Paul Hamilton, a teaching professional in this area of life as well as expert photographer..what an experience?!

I liked what we we  shot there so much I made a coffee table book of the subjects..Of the four books  I’ve done, this is by far the most popular!!

For those liking these things, I cannot imagine a better place to see them. we are talking snakes, spiders, moths, frogs, lizards, and more. I saw things I’ve never seen anywhere before.

We were at a research station on one of the Amazon tributaries where the silence of dusk was replaced by an explosion of jungle noise at dark..The  trails we walked to locate subjects meandered all around the banks of the river and inland a mile or two..pretty wet and pretty muddy but most rewarding!!